“Water, wind, waves” Visual concrete 3D panel

Modern embossed 3D wall panel, in perfect harmony with a minimalist style at home or in the office. It radiates tranquility like a snapshot captured in concrete.
Easy to relocate due to its light structure. It weighs approx. 60 kg.
Production size: 275 x 135 x 15 cm, with 12 cm wave depth. The concrete surface is structured with a depth of 2 to 3 mm and is protected by wax. Optional with various concrete colors, from light to deep gray. Produced in silver hue concrete surface as well, per customer request.
A wall or ceiling panel with background LED lighting, which could be an outstanding visual feast for receptions, offices, and living rooms. Any questions? Drop us an email and we will get back to you shortly: info@szepbutor.hu

Product description

Modern embossed 3D wall panel, in perfect harmony with a minimalist style at home or in the office. It radiates tranquility like a snapshot captured in concrete.
Easy to relocate due to its light structure. It weighs approx. 60 kg.
Production size: 275 x 135 x 15 cm, with 12 cm wave depth. The concrete surface is structured with a depth of 2 to 3 mm and is protected by wax. Optional with various concrete colors, from light to deep gray. Produced in silver hue concrete surface as well, per customer request.
A wall or ceiling panel with background LED lighting, which could be an outstanding visual feast for receptions, offices, and living rooms. Any questions? Drop us an email and we will get back to you shortly: info@szepbutor.hu

Ábrahám Műhely Kft.
Ábrahám Műhely Kft.


Ábrahám Műhely Kft. (Abraham Workshop LLC), and its legal predecessor, has been present in the furniture industry since 1988.

We produce wood and veneered furniture and our references appeart in several famous buildings, both in and outside of Hungary, from Austria to Australia. Our primary orientation is wood bending, be it three dimensional surfaces, arched wooden railings and stairs, or curved furniture.
Since 2004, we have been working almost exclusively for carpenter and interior designer companies, contributing to high quality interior design plans, e.g., we played a key role in the implementation of various Design Award winning plans. In 2001, we were awarded the prestigious title of “Carpenter of the Year”.

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